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Closing the coronavirus disadvantage gap

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Date published 18 May 2020

Last updated 21 March 2024

We’re proud to be working with partners from across the sector to deliver the Summer Series: a programme of free webinars to support teachers and school leaders through, and beyond, the coronavirus outbreak.

In our second session, Ambition Institute’s Executive Director for System Leadership, Sir David Carter, hosts a roundtable with experts from across the sector to discuss how we can tackle the disadvantage gap when schools re-open.

Sir David is joined by:

  • Leora Cruddas, CEO, Confederation of School Trusts
  • Unity Howard, Director, New Schools Network
  • Ed Vainker, Co-Founder and Executive Head, Reach Academy Feltham
  • Rowena Hackwood, CEO, David Ross Education Trust
  • Ben Pickering, Humanitarian Adviser, DFID

Since the lockdown started schools have rapidly responded to the challenge. They’ve provided leadership in their communities, cared for the children of key workers and, importantly, kept children educated while at home.

But now the sector must look ahead to how schools operate when they eventually re-open. Schools and trusts will have to prepare to face many challenges – including tackling the disadvantage gap, which is expected to widen whilst schools are closed, in a post-coronavirus world.

Watch the virtual roundtable to hear Sir David and his guests share their thoughts on:

  • How schools and trusts can prepare to re-open and the contingencies they need to plan for
  • Why narrowing the disadvantage gap should be a priority for leaders, and how they can do it
  • How professional development for staff can help with both challenges

Further reading

If you enjoyed Sir David’s discussion, here is some suggested reading to further your knowledge on planning for re-opening and closing the disadvantage gap:

Don't miss our other webinars

We’ll be continuing to deliver webinars over the summer term, hosted by Ambition Institute staff and experts from across the education sector.

Find out more