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Introduction to the science of learning

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Date published 30 June 2020

Last updated 21 March 2024

We’re proud to be working with partners from across the sector to deliver the Summer Series: a programme of free webinars to support teachers and school leaders through, and beyond, the coronavirus outbreak.

In our eighth session, Ambition Institute's Learning Design Fellow Nick Rose, and his co-host Amarbeer Singh Gill, introduce the science of learning.

Watch back to learn about:

  • The limitations of working memory and what this means for teaching.
  • The role long-term memory plays in supporting working memory.
  • The role of forgetting in learning, and how learning can be consolidated.

Further reading

If you enjoyed the session, here is some suggested reading to further your knowledge of the science of learning:

Don't miss our other webinars

We’ll be continuing to deliver webinars over the summer term, hosted by Ambition Institute staff and experts from across the education sector.

Find out more