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Understanding and meeting pupils’ needs

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Date published 21 May 2020

Last updated 21 March 2024

We’re proud to be working with partners from across the sector to deliver the Summer Series: a programme of free webinars to support teachers and school leaders through, and beyond, the coronavirus outbreak.

In our third session, Ambition Institute’s Associate Dean for Learning Design Harry Fletcher-Wood looks at how schools can work to understand, assess and then meet the needs of pupils as they return to their classrooms. Harry speaks to:

  • Daisy Christodoulou, Director of Education at No More Marking
  • Janice Allen, Headteacher at Falinge Park High School in Rochdale
  • Jo Riley, Headteacher at Randal Cremer Primary School in London

Watch back to learn:

  • Why understanding pupils’ needs when they return is important
  • What types of assessment should schools use to pin-point what pupils have learned or forgotten during closures
  • How schools in different contexts can begin to close any gaps they find

Further Reading

If you enjoyed Harry’s session, here is some suggested reading to further your knowledge on how we can understand pupils’ needs and help them to make up for lost learning:

Don't miss our other webinars

We’ll be continuing to deliver webinars over the summer term, hosted by Ambition Institute staff and experts from across the education sector.

Find out more