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Ambition and FASNA to collaborate on new governance programme

Jan. 23, 2018

The Governance Leadership Programme is designed for those who are serving, or are aspiring to become, chairs of governing boards or trust boards and will be delivered in partnership with leadership development charity, Ambition School Leadership.

The contract has been awarded by the Department for Education.

FASNA (Freedom and Autonomy for Schools - National Association) and Ambition School Leadership will work with two well-established and highly regarded national organisations to provide a first-rate development programme – Stone King LLP and PS Financials.

The programme will begin in May 2018. It will consist of a face-to-face training session, delivered by specialists in the field, national leaders of governance and governance experts, together with a range of online resources and master classes.

James Toop, Chief Executive of Ambition School Leadership, said: "We're delighted to be working with FASNA to deliver this exciting new programme which will develop chairs of local and multi-academy trust governing bodies so they can support their schools more effectively. 

"We know how important the relationship is between a headteacher or a trust CEO and their chair in leading excellent schools. Well-trained chairs also ensure they have the knowledge to make great appointments to headteacher and CEO posts.

“As a Chair of Governors myself, I've seen at first-hand just how instrumental a strong governing body can be in working with school leaders and improving standards and outcomes for pupils.” 

FASNA’s Chief Executive, Leora Cruddas, said: “We are proud to be working alongside Ambition, an organisation with a proven track record in educational excellence. We look forward to welcoming the first participants to this exciting new programme.

“Our new governance programmes will complement our distinguished governance development offer and will ensure that serving governance leaders and clerks are able to draw on the best possible practice and evidence in these hugely important roles.

The programmes will offer opportunities to join-up leadership across executive, business and governance leadership.”

Don’t miss your opportunity to join our new governance development programmes.

Register your interest for the governance leadership programme by emailing us at [email protected].


Notes to editors

Ambition School Leadership was formed in November 2016 from education charities The Future Leaders Trust and Teaching Leaders. We are building a network of exceptional school leaders at all levels to transform the lives of the children who need it most. Visit our website to find out more about our work:

FASNA is the only national ‘not for profit’ membership organisation for schools. Our purpose is to advocate on behalf of, and support, leaders of self-governing organisations – multi-academy trusts, single academy trusts and foundation trusts. We provide our members with information, guidance, training and support and the opportunity to contribute to emerging policy and practice through our influential work with government. Visit our website to find out more