Our policies

Appropriate Policy Document

The Appropriate Policy Document sets out how we will protect Special Categories of Personal Data and Criminal Convictions Data. This policy supports Ambition Institute’s Data Protection Policy.

Download our Appropriate Policy Document

Carbon reduction plan

Ambition Institute is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions.

Download our carbon reduction plan

Complaints policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that complaints are dealt with in an appropriate manner. The complaints policy and procedure is accessible to all, and all complaints are handled in a fair, consistent and timely way.

This policy allows for all stakeholders and learners to log a formal or informal complaint should they have a need to.

Download our complaints policy

Data protection policy

This policy outlines Ambition Institute’s commitment to comply with UK Data Protection legislation when processing personal data, including the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 (PECR). It applies to any processing of Personal Data by Ambition and our partner organisations and to all Personal Data whether stored electronically or in paper copy.

Download our data protection policy

ECF privacy notice

The ECF Privacy Notice provides applicants and participants of Ambition’s Early Careers Framework programme with details of what personal information we process, what the purposes of processing are, who we share this information with, and how long we retain that information.

Download our ECF privacy notice

ECT non-standard programme policy

This policy sets out how any ECT or mentor who may have a non-standard programme experience will be supported to engage with Ambition Institute’s Early Career Teachers programme.

Download our ECT non-standard programme policy

NPQ application waitlist policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline our waitlist policy and oversubscription criteria to ensure that it is transparent, reliable, inclusive and supportive of social mobility. This policy applies to National Professional Qualification (NPQ) programmes provided by Ambition Institute.

Download our NPQ application waitlist policy

NPQ assessment appeals policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline how NPQ assessments are assessed and explain how and when a participant could appeal their outcome.

Download our NPQ assessment appeals policy

NPQ assessment 24-hour extension policy

This policy outlines Ambition’s approach to assessment extensions and how participants can request a 24-hour extension to their assessment.

Download our NPQ assessment 24-hour extension policy

NPQ assessment exemption policy

This policy outlines Ambition’s approach to assessment exemptions and how a participant can request an exemption from their assessment.

Download our NPQ assessment exemption policy

NPQ assessment malpractice and maladministration policy

The purpose of this policy is to protect the integrity of NPQ qualifications awarded by Ambition Institute, so that our qualifications remain a reliable indicator that a consistent standard has been met.

The policy seeks to achieve this by clearly defining a consistent approach to prevent, identify, effectively resolve, and learn from any instances of malpractice or maladministration.

Download our NPQ assessment malpractice and maladministration policy

NPQ Part-time, deferral and portability policy

This policy outlines how participants who are part-time, defer or transfer schools during their NPQ will be supported to continue engaging with their programme. It also outlines our approach to requests from participants to defer a programme place on one of our NPQ programmes, including circumstances where a deferral would be approved, and arrangements that would apply in managing the deferral from and return to the programme.

Download our NPQ part-time, deferral and portability policy

NPQ payment and refund policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide clarity on when payments must be made by those paying for an NPQ programme and to outline our position on requests for refunds where a participant does not complete the programme and/or withdraws or is withdrawn from the programme.

Download our NPQ payment and refund policy

NPQ plagiarism policy

Please note this policy only applies to Ambition’s National Professional Qualification programmes. This policy outlines the process Ambition uses for identifying and acting upon suspected cases of plagiarism.

Download our NPQ plagiarism policy

NPQ privacy notice

The NPQ Privacy Notice provides applicants and participants of Ambition’s NPQ programme with details of what personal information we process, what the purposes of processing are, who we share this information with, and how long we retain that information.

Download our NPQ privacy notice

NPQ recruitment, selection & admission policy

This document establishes a robust recruitment, selection and admission policy that is transparent, reliable, inclusive and supportive of social mobility. The National Professional Qualification (NPQ) programmes provided by Ambition Institute are open to applicants from all backgrounds, provided they meet certain eligibility criteria established by the Department for Education (DfE).

Download our NPQ recruitment, selection & admission policy

NPQ withdrawal policy

This policy sets out the circumstances in which a withdrawal from one of our programmes may take place, and our approach should it arise. This policy ensures that we have measures in place to enable all participants to fully benefit from our programmes as far as possible, with withdrawals only taking place following full consideration of alternative options.

Download our NPQ withdrawal policy

Paper reduction policy

The objective of this policy is to outline Ambition Institute’s approach to reducing paper use at its events. This policy outlines the responsibilities of participants and Ambition staff regarding printing and use of electronic devices at face-to-face events.

Download our paper reduction policy

Participant & trainee equal opportunities policy

The purpose of this policy is to support Ambition Institute to implement our commitments to equality, diversity and inclusion for all prospective and current participants.

Download our Participant & trainee equal opportunities policy

Participant and trainee reasonable adjustments policy

Ambition is committed to ensuring that all programme participants are successful on our programmes. We recognise that in some instances our participants will need additional support or reasonable adjustments to enable them to be successful and the aim of this policy is to set out how we will do this.

Download our participant and trainee reasonable adjustments policy

Refund policy

The objective of this policy is to provide clarity on the circumstances which would result in refunds being made to the customer (school/participant/MAT/delivery partner) in the event of participants not being able to complete an Ambition programme, and to outline the process through which we would manage any appeals to such decisions.

Download our refund policy

Recruitment privacy notice

This is the notice given to applicants applying to work for Ambition Institute outlining our relevant data principles, procedures and the applicants rights.

Download our recruitment privacy notice

Safeguarding and prevent policy

Ambition Institute is dedicated to creating and maintaining a culture of vigilance among our staff and participants. We aim to recognise, respond, record, and report concerns, providing a proportionate response. We are committed to proactively safeguarding children, young people, beneficiaries, and employees. We take reasonable steps to protect everyone who comes into contact with the organisation from harm. This policy outlines the Prevent Duty and our safeguarding procedures and responsibilities, ensuring that all concerns, referrals, and disclosures are handled appropriately.

Download our safeguarding and prevent policy

Teacher Training admissions policy

Please note this policy only applies to Ambition’s Teacher Training programme. Through this policy, we will ensure that the admissions process minimises barriers to entry, is reliable, is based on merit and potential, is fair with regards to diversity, and is professional in its nature.

Download our Teacher Training admissions policy

Teacher Training privacy notice

The Teacher Training Privacy Notice provides applicants to and trainees on Ambition Institute’s Teacher Training programme with details of what personal information we process, what the purposes of processing are, who we share this information with, and how long we retain that information

Download our Teacher Training privacy notice

Targeted admissions waitlist policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline our waitlist policy and oversubscription criteria to ensure that it is transparent, reliable, inclusive and supportive of social mobility. This policy applies to all of the Targeted Programme Suite provided by Ambition Institute.

Download our targeted waitlist policy

Targeted attendance and programme completion policy

Please note this policy only applies to Ambition’s Targeted Programme Suite. This policy will provide clarity around programme completion expectations, including attendance and associated qualifications, where applicable. This policy also outlines the process if a participant’s circumstances change and they are no longer able to attend an event, 1:1 coaching session, or complete an independent learning task.

Download our targeted attendance and programme completion policy

Targeted deferral policy

This policy outlines our approach to requests from participants to defer a programme place on one of our Targeted Programme Suite, including circumstances where a deferral would be approved, and arrangements that would apply in managing the deferral from and return to the programme.

Download our targeted deferral policy

Targeted withdrawal policy

Please note this policy only applies to Ambition’s Targeted Programme Suite. The objective of this policy is to set out the circumstances in which a withdrawal from one of our programmes may take place, and our approach should it arise. Our intention through this policy is to ensure that we have measures in place to enable all participants to fully benefit from our programmes as far as possible, and that a withdrawal only takes place following full consideration of alternative options.

Download our targeted withdrawal policy